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Old 07-14-2014, 11:34 AM   #1
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Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: CARLSBAD
Posts: 251
First Ocean Voyage! AR#2

Well it was my first trip out into the open ocean, and I had a blast! It's so peaceful in a kayak out there. I took my oldest son with me. It was his first time in a kayak and I'm sure he's now hooked on it. My friend the charter capitan gave me some numbers to put me right on the north rock pile of AR#2 out of Oceanside and they were spot on! when the alarm sounded I could see the rocks and a bunch of fish stacked on them. My sons first drop with 4" anchovy Z-man on a 3/8 oz. jig head yielded him a fat sand bass and from then on he was soooo stoked. We had steady fishing from 7:00am until around 10:0am on sand bass, calicos and short halibuts. Almost every drop for him on the Z-man for a couple of hours! As a dad it was great to watch. As you can see it was a picture perfect day out there. The keeper sized halibut is still rather elusive for me but I'm learning a lot so I'll keep hunting for her.
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