Thread: PA12 or 14
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Old 07-11-2014, 11:33 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by jorluivil View Post
I've never owned the 12 but I do own the 14. I've seen the 12 and have talked to quite a few that own or owned the 12 and most of them regret not getting the 14. The 14 is a beast, it weighs almost twice as much as the outback, it'll strain your back and make you regret buying one each time you have to load it on your car/truck. However, when you see how fast this beast is and how much deck space you have you'll be glad you bought the 14. I was able to place a 45lb wsb on the deck of my 14 and not one kayaker was able to see it, some were as close as 30'.
I owned a PA 14 for a whole season, then the new vantage seat came out for the 12', and I instantly downgraded emphaticially. The two biggest noticable differences off the top of my head..

A. Noticable storage size reduction in front hatch.
I.E. Look at their storage tubs side by side.. Not a deal breaker to me at all,but an obvious detail. Storage & Gunnels are almost the same, and as Jorge already mentioned, I can double stack and peddle in without a double take from the inspectors & I own a 12'.

B. When coming back in on big 3-4'+ firing sets you will begin to notice the larger volume of plastic the 14' has and will send you down the line up..Some counter this by coming in backwards on those big days..

I personally love the 12', it tracks great, I use it In/Offshore, Fresh, Salt, and is my main #1 kayak for any adventure 365. The 12's stability is excellent. Topping it and hauling it is made slightly solo easier with the twelve & I can still carry a full load fishing gear & traps. Mostly it come down to loading and the slip..
If you have ample storage room then maybe the 14 is the one for you..
Try before you buy..Give Rik a call at Oceanside Dive & Kayak to set up a demo.. & Bring a pole!

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