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Old 07-07-2014, 06:42 PM   #7
Fishing Patriot
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Originally Posted by dorado50 View Post
I have a vacation home in a third world country. I like it here because there are fewer laws governing my actions, like being able to ride my atv on any beach and being able to let my dog run free, as examples. There are draw backs of course, you need a fishing license to fish! And it must be in possession!. My permanent residence will always be in La Jolla.....I love the USA, and all its freedoms. I just hate the aholes that run our constitution into the ground.
You may want to prepare that vacation home as your permanent residence, because we're on the verge of becoming a third world nation. Just yesterday, S Korea and China made trade agreements to bypass the dollar, that makes over 20 countries this year to make trade agreements to bypass the dollar. We killed Gaddafi after his sales of oil in gold and dinars, we killed Suddam for selling oil in euros, we placed sanctions on Iran, and Russia this year for oil agreements bypassing the dollar. And the countries we've had embargo on for years ( Cuba, N Korea, and Iran), guess what, they've never been on the pedro dollar.
Once we are no longer the world reserve currency, we're screwed with a capital "F".
FACTA went into effect July 1st, but the IRS is giving a two year grace period, so we won't feel those effects until Obama is out of office.

Not to mention the National Defense Authorization Act basically voids the Constitution completely, turning the President into a Dictator. So don't be surprised when martial law goes into effect, suspension of habeas corpeus, and we're thrown into the FEMA camps.

Just a heads up, but enjoy your freedoms folks!!!
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