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Old 07-05-2014, 03:49 PM   #13
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7/4 follow up - Not a YT, WSB or Halibut, but a lot of fun

Went out the next day after EasyDay's report. Saw 5 does come down to the water for a drink. Looked for the bald eagles reported to be at the lake but didn't see them.

One boat was actively catching cats. He is a regular and on the "spot." I talked to them as they were leaving and he said the phrase I hate hearing most in fishing,
"you should have been here yesterday." The Lake Patrol boat said the same thing. Tried multiple spots on the lake with no luck.

My middle daughter loves catfish and after reading EasyDay's report, felt no sweat I can bring you home some dinner.

Just before 2 about to give up and head in when I remembered seeing a hard bottom on the Lowrance just offshore of my truck.
Paddled over there to try one last spot to get rid of the skunk before heading home.

Lowered my anchor and within minutes I had my first fish of the day, then the other rod goes off too. After retying both lines I get another double.
Pure chaos for about 20 minutes till I limited out. It was a blast. The second to the last cat was taking drag and my net was barely big enough for him when his little sister
needed to come on board. Dragged her up and over the side too. Last two ended up being the biggest, with one an even 8 pounds.
Truck was yards away so just paddled in. Snapped a quick picture of the chaos on my deck.

Was looking forward to seeing my GoPro video of the madness. Unfortunately, the memory card was full from messing around with 3 hummingbird feeder videos.
I didn't capture the chaos and underwater shots I thought I was filming. Lesson learned.

Glad I didn't go offshore today as I had a couple of gallons of water in my kayak at the end of the day. Lately it has been getting more and more water in it.
I thought my hatches were leaking. Today I know my hatches couldn't leak that bad since no waves were washing across the deck. When I got home I flipped it upside down to examine the hull.
I have a crack at one of the scupper holes. My fault - from tying down the kayak with ratcheting tie downs. Must have ratcheted too hard over the years.
Good thing to find the leak before running into a problem offshore. Need to fix it before going out again.

I hope everyone had a fun fourth. God Bless America!
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