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Old 07-02-2014, 09:01 PM   #44
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 3
I enjoyed the read, motivated me to share one of my encounters with the toothy kind.
In the last 15 years of yak fishing I've seen a few large fins in La Jolla but no real close ups.
Two summers ago a buddy and I went for a little scuba dive off the point, we started from the cove. Beautiful, clear water, could see 30' easy.
Got out to about 40-50', cruising through the kelp, checking out the scenery, lots of stuff to see. My buddy was behind me and out of sight as I came out of some think kelp, first thing I see is a very round, good sized shark swimming directly at me. I can't emphasize the roundness enough, grey top, white bottom and we're eye to eye about 20' from each other. It happened so fast I really didn't have time to think. It came so close I could almost touch it before it took a 90 degree angle and swam away from me.
I swam up to my buddy, shook him and pointed at the shark that he had not noticed yet. He proceeded to pull out this little 3" dive knife and held it out in front of him as the shark swam 2 big circles around us before it disappeared. I had half a tank of air left which was gone in 5 minutes. We headed to the surface and went for a long kick back in. When we we're on dry land I asked my friend what he thought he was going to do with that little knife and his reply was "if it attacked I was going to stab you and swim away". Mutha f****r. Estimate of shark was 8-9', would of rather seen it from the yak.
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