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Old 06-25-2014, 04:12 PM   #1
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Originally Posted by walrus View Post
Team Sewer, you guys rock! You always seem to have good lessons for us. ( what happen to Tony's rudder?), great adventures, and pictures or videos to inspire us.


"The buety of staying at Buffeo you are way closer to the islands. 2.8 miles."

The closest island (San Luis) to Punta Bufero is over five miles. It looks closer but GPS coordinates don't lie. Willard Island is roughly 2.8 miles from Rancho Grande campground.

Kayaking to San Luis is a real risk, the wind comes up without warning and being that far off shore you may not be able to get back within miles of where you started. Always take plenty of water in your kayak, and remember while paddling/pedaling out that you still have to paddle back against the current.

We were fishing the WFO Spotty bite just having a blast!!!! Then all of a sudden with no warning I lose my steering...We were about a mile away from camp, so it wasn't going to be too bad of a paddle back. But I opted to try to fix the problem in the field if I could. I couldn't get on the sand from where I was so I got as close to shore as I could. I found a little rocky spot in about 2 feet of water, removed bait tank and rods, opened hatch, removed steering cover, found broken steering line. Located extremely frayed broken steering line, reattached steering line with good knot. Re-routed steering line thru hull, secured line, tied knot, DONE!

Ya know it seems that if my mirage drive doesn't break, something else does....But at least my mirage drive didn't fail me this time...and if it did I was ready. I put together a little tool kit for just this type of scenario, lucky I learned to have one ready from my last Baja experience.
There's nothing colder than yesterday's hotdog.
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