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Old 06-21-2014, 09:40 AM   #24
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Pine Valley when not fishing La Jolla
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Hey Mike we both launched at the same time and I talked to you while we where both trolling our macs. You where heading back north and I was heading south west. I was in the white X Factor. You didn't say it then so it must have happended afterwards. I'm always looking around for that and after having caught and seen up close Makos and had a gray whale take my line and give me a ride. I think I would react like you. Another cool experience. The number of seals that were out yesterday and several where very vocal anouncing themselves constantly. I only lost 2 macs to the seals with all the bait that was out there, no wonder they often swam by without bothering my flylined mac. I was hopping for another hook up, but nothing. At least on Teusday I hooked a yellow around 3:15 fought it for about 15 minutes before loosing it when I tried to untangle my braid from my flyline rod on the end of my pole with the Iron. Another leason learned when fighting a big fish everything else is not important. I should have just cut the flylined line and let the mac swim away with the 100+ feet of braid. The number of runs it made and peeling line with drag screaming and pole absorbing the head shake where an awesome experience. When messing with the other braid at the tip of the rod it allowed the fish to head shake off the Iron. I was so hopping for more of the same. The wind made it a bit choppy in the early afternoon but it settled down some, later on. The surf was so much smaller than on Tuesday. Easy launch and landing. Thanks for sharing the experience. Mark
MARK ......... 2016 MALIBU X FACTOR, 2020 SOLO SKIFF (Fishing Kayak on Steroids )

Last edited by FISH11; 06-21-2014 at 10:11 AM. Reason: add info
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