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Old 06-18-2014, 10:42 AM   #1
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 221
LJ night session

Figured I would try to get out there and see if Mr WSB would co operate. swell height 2 ft. Moon rise around 0100. set up near the point soaked some asian market dead squid. Put out the squid light and started jigging for some candy. Well about an hour into it my squid light died. So i pinned on some dead squid to a salas and played that game for a bit. The swell interval seemed to increase and I decided to call it quits. No action just a FYI for anyone else thinking of going out. The research vessel new horizon came up on the radio and was letting me know of there intention to do ops in the are and said they haven't seen a whole lot of fish sign in the canyon area. Small bait fish were jump as I drifted around the kelp. Good luck to anyone else that goes out.
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