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Old 06-09-2014, 09:03 AM   #19
ceruleandrms's Avatar
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Originally Posted by TCS View Post
As stated above, the key at La Jolla is the interval. A 3 foot swell with an 8 second interaval will break chest high (chest high on a surfer, overhead on a kayaker) at the launch. A 3 foot swell with a 14 second interval and the a launch is like a lake.

This time of year its important to not just look at the forecast model because it often misses the windswell. Look at the CDIP forecast or the torrey pines bouy to see the actual interval before you drive down.

I would also suggest you go out without your fishing gear on a day that there is some surf and practice. Unless you have a PA, which is really a boat and not a kayak, you should be able to handle waist high surf pretty easily.

Charge it on the way out and keep the kayak facing directly into the waves. On the way back in try and stay on the backs of the waves. If a wave is catching up with you don't surf it. Instead, put your feet in the water and back paddle so the wave goes under you then paddle as far as you can before the next one catches up with you, then back paddle again.

Next time your shopping for a kayak, talk to Andy about which models handle surf the best so that you have more days you can fish. I like the adventure for this reason.
Thank you for the good advice. Appreciate it very much
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