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Old 05-30-2014, 10:59 AM   #26
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Pedant alert:
Let's not give seals a bad name. Sea lions are the obnoxious, bait and fish stealing, dock and moored boat sinking, pests.

Harbor seals are the ones that stealthily pop their head up in the kelp, see you and seem to say "OH SHIT" and split. Yes they do play w divers and have been known to tug at a fish on a game clip, but they are not the thieves sea lions are.

Harbor seals are also the ones that decided to move back into Children's pool. It isn't their fault that some militant huggers feel it is suddenly necessary to keep people off the beach now. We were all doing fine before the seal lady took up her cause.

So hate on sea lions --and seal ladies-- all you want, but give the seals a break.
Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Give a fish a man and he'll eat for a week.
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