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Old 05-14-2014, 07:12 AM   #5
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While we all understand you are upset that PA's cant go, just think about how BIG they are and exactly what Tony said, most poeple have switched to them meaning it would limit the amount of kayaks that could be hauled by almost half and increase work load for the crew by double or more.

Could you imagine having to be the guy pulling these out of the water then lifting over your head to get into rack? Not just one but 20 of them?

Or how about when we are trying to stage boats for launching? PA's are so big they take up the whole deck and make for an unsafe environment with people trying to pass them. Not to mention it would slow the process a ridiculous amount since you could only stage 2 at a time and would have to wait for every person to put on the seat and all their other gear.

The only way the Islander could even entertain doing PA's is by charging 2-3x the price per boat because they will take up that much more room. Would you rather pay 2-3x as much money to have your PA or get over it for a day or 2 and fish a smaller boat? Heck for 50.00 you can even rent one from OEX so no worries if you dont own a PA.
CJ Siebler

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