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Old 05-13-2014, 08:01 AM   #8
momo fish
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Thanks guys. Support really helps.

The thing I just can't imagine is how it's possible to flip a kayak in the conditions I was in without help from someone else. The swells and white caps seemed like it would be almost impossible. I watched the video posted of a pro angler flipping on other thread and I get back on in those conditions. But no way in what I was in.

I made a list of things to keep ON my vest including a radio, whistle and knife. Also will be strapping my mirage drive in just in case. Looking into a better way to pump water out if I'm in the water either manual pump or build in pump. Again with hill full of water there is NO way I could of stayed on the kayak and pump without flipping in a second.

Will be getting out soon but this time wiser, more prepared and with a greater respect for my surroundings.
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