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Old 05-03-2014, 08:15 AM   #1
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Is there a support group?

Hello every one, my name is Mike and I'm a surface iron addict. I'm sure others of you share this addiction but have yet to come forward. Here are some of warning signs that you may have this condition; boxes of surface iron of all sizes and brands, frequent arguments with fishing buddies about hips, concave backs, off set holes, and colors, you have to store several of your rods horizontally so they don't scrape the ceiling, you think reel seats are for sissies, a strong attraction to the bows of boats, and an aversion to live bait. Do you think Carl Newell was a genius? Do you find your self obsessively watching birds? Do you have a callus on your right thumb? If you have some, or all, of these of these symptoms you are likely, or surely, a surface iron addict. If so I welcome you and urge you to step forward boldly and declare your affliction with out shame.
Yours in brotherhood, Mike
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