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Old 05-01-2014, 03:18 PM   #3
donkey roper
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Pacific Beach
Posts: 968
There are a couple of types of reports on this forum...

1. Reports of what people fished, where, what the conditions were like, lessons learned etc. These posts are helpful and interesting and allow people to figure things out on your own or with friends.

2. Advertisements for darkhorse, seasamurai, capt wade etc. You cannot reveal good intel in these posts for the sake of not hurting the aforementioned guide's business. That's fine, but the post is essentially just fish porn.

This report falls into the latter category. Reports generated by Josh and Wade themselves tend to fall into the former. I believe there is room for both types of post here, but just don't claim it so hard and ensure that credit is given where it is due.

OP said himself that Mr. Pruitt encouraged him to go find fish for himself... the idea being that maybe it would be more rewarding. I think that was the point Dannowar was trying to make. I've never had the pleasure of a trip with darkhorse, but i have lurked on him many times OTW!

That's a nice cbass and congratulations! Now go do it again and silence the naysayers!
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