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Old 04-30-2014, 08:54 AM   #115
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: 1-2 miles off the point
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If I wanted to could I fish for halibut with live bait? Is that against the rules?
The main idea of this tournament is raising money and awareness to Heroes on the Water and bringing the kayak fishing community together for a fun day on the water. We also like to approach out tournaments in trying to keep a level of professionalism and integrity.

I would say that if you want to come fish halibut with live bait, you would not be allowed to weigh in any bass.

I don't have a VHF radio yet. Will there be cell phone communication with the weigh in boats?
Remember these guys in the weigh boats are volunteering their time, while you are fishing they have offered to WORK, so please make it as easy as possible on them and make sure you thank them for being there!

The boats are usually moving around weighing fish, often coming to you to see if you have any fish to weigh. Wave a paddle if you don't have a radio. If you see guys weighing fish paddle over. We will also have someone at the beach where you land to do a final weigh in too. Let's make this something that all involved will want to annually!
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