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Old 12-07-2007, 08:24 AM   #4
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 27
I think the idea of a non-motorized fishing zone is fantastic and may have some merit. Sure it would piss off a lot of motor boaters...I actually spent a few years researching the effectiveness of the Channel Islands MPAs for WSB, Calicos and sheephead. I will say that the science behind all this is in the dark ages. From my perspective this is unfortunate, as I believe that science should drive MPA design and I think MPAs have a role. If science determined it is necessary to close my favorite spots, I would live with it. However, because the science is so poor, it really is politics that decides these things. Non-motorized use of the areas we fish in in La Jolla could be a reasonable arguement if it gets to that point. Given the existing preserve, it would be better not to have motor boats flying around the area. This would also benefit the tourism (e.g., kayak renters would benefit from this). I think all of Mad Scientists points are very good and could provide a solid framework for a position on the stakeholder group. I may be moving back to Mendocino in a few months, but if I am still here I will gladly participate. I hold a degree in fisheries biology and have been a practicing conservation biologist for 6 years, so some of my skills may be useful in the future.
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