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Old 12-03-2007, 11:51 PM   #10
keljad's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Australia
Posts: 39
yeah, I agree......poor Johnny. He was the best thing that ever happened to Australia, the economy, US relations and our military. Watch the Aussie dollar fall, interest rates go up, defence budget cut and the country go back into debt as has done under every labour government before, (the dollar is already falling)

Back to the fishing though, Fraser is a great place and there is just so many to list. I hope to get stuck into as much as I can when the Xfactor arrives so I can show you plenty of pictures and good ol' Aussie fish.

I will get some good pics of the humble bream and flatheads (our bread and butter estaury species) as that will be the main type of fishing I do. I also do alot of freshwater fishing for Bass ( a bit different to the large and small mouth), Yellow Belly (Golden Perch) and the Iconic Murray Cod.

I will also be throwing up a few pics of the Magnificent Barramundi. I hope to do a bit of offshore stuff also, but I am new to this. Hopefully I will get some Tuna, Mackeral, Snapper, Pearl Perch and a few others to show you.

Alot of fishing ahead (and sucking up to the wife), so in the interest of keeping up international relations in John Howards abscence, I will do my best


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