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Old 04-22-2014, 05:20 AM   #13
Fishin' Magician
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Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Newport Beach
Posts: 219
That having been said, I love my Stealth 12 as it is very stable. I've never tried to stand on it though, so far I've not had a need to. But I wanted something that wasn't going to flip every time I tried to cast.

A few weeks ago while I was fishing San Diego Bay, some guy in a big powerboat ((with a whole 'crew' of cute women as guests) decided that it would be fun to see how close and how fast he could get to me while I was in the middle, fast to a large fish. The wake that he was putting out was huge, or at least it seemed as though it was to me at the time. I had to quickly jam the rod under my thigh and turn my kayak into the bow wave so that I could take it straight on. Good thing I did! I was almost pitched completely out of the thing, but somehow I managed to hang on and still landed the nice spotty, which proved to be the largest (and last one) of the day.

When I got back to Tidelands, I was surprised at how little water I'd taken on as that wake wave broke over the top and everything got soaked pretty good.

So check your seals and see if that helps. Malibu Kayaks is located in So. Cal. and you can take it directly to them. I bet that they'd take a look at fixing the problem for you if it persists.
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