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Old 04-05-2014, 05:13 PM   #1
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Should have launched at La Jolla

So today was the day for the Rock Fishing Derby. I waffled over the weeke whether to launch at La Jolla or Mission Bay. Finally I chose Mission bay and it was a mistake. I have no problem going out fishing and getting skunked, but going out an having the door outside slammed in my face was not something I enjoyed.

Mike Weber and I launched at Mission, I swung in and picked up bait, and we paddled out to the mouth of the channel. There is was as if we were paddling into a brick way, the only problem was the tide was pulling us out with 5-7 foot swells and cross chop making it very difficult to stay balanced. Finally after what seemed to be about 10 minutes of trying to back paddle and not going anywhere I was able to turn around and use the swell to push my into the channel. I could hear boats doing all they could to get out, their hulls were slamming down and I could even here on the radio some chatter about the Kayakers not being able to get out.

After fighting that battle we realized that having our lives was very rewarding and chose to fish Mission bay. The water was really nice until about 10 when the wind started to pick up. Lizard fish were on the chew big time. I caught a small Halibut and tried using some of the lizards to catch bigger Halibut.

At 11:30 I chose to pack it in and see what was going on over at the Marlin Club. When I got there I was told that nothing was going to start until about 4. I was wiped out and so I just went home, cleaned up the gear and enjoyed a nice Swiss Steak Meal that my wife cooked up. So glad that I made it back in and did not get flipped. I should have launched at La Jolla.
No better time than being on the water,

God Bless,

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