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Old 03-30-2014, 05:19 PM   #7
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"I was talking to a certain non-hobie user today, and his concern was that nobody would openly criticize hobie kayaks in public"
Let me take a stab...Greg?

"I personally survived (dont know how) a 5' wave breaking right on my face with my PA...didnt even flip...jim didnt make it though...."
Ummm no need to guess who on this one...ME in my 13' only regret is I didn't have the GoPro turned on. THAT would've been a fun one to watch...

"Landings can be exciting too, im sure all of you have seen frank wiredantzs video of me eating it in the surf possibly the greatest video of all time."
DEFINITELY a great video...Please repost so others can "learn" (and laugh) at this again...PLEASE (someone's got it)!
Recreational Fisherman's Catch...2%
Commercial Fisherman's Catch- 98%
Recreational Fishing Kayakers Catch- .00001%
"The reality is that the wall was built to keep all Asians ~specifically Japanese and those that think they're japanese~ out of the U.S"

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