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Old 03-29-2014, 07:12 AM   #10
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Well, I guess it's time to share my secrets. To catch a legal fish you need a few things. Most important thing is a license. Without it all fish are illegal. Next is a rod/reel. Make sure you spool your reel with some type of fishing specific line. For hooks, again you want a fishing specific hook. You can also buy lures that have built in hooks. They are a bait and hook combo so you don't have to get smelly bait on your hands. Now the tricky part, tying the lure or hook onto the line. Honestly just google it or buy a book. That could be a whole different thread.

So now you have a setup and license, learn to cast and go land some lunkers. I hope this helps, it's about as exact as I can get with the wide range of fish you listed.
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