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Old 03-27-2014, 09:35 PM   #105
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Originally Posted by Fiskadoro View Post
Hey Wanker... You don't mind if I call you Wanker do you? I don't think it's an insult at all. People have turned it into an insult just to be difficult and if you don't like being called Wanker that is YOUR hang up. I mean I know some people think the term Wanker is negative because it's used by the British like Jerko## but I don't and I think it's not a bad name for you at all..

More seriously Oriental is a really old term essentially derived from Latin in the times of the Romans. It's taken from Orion like the constellation and essentially means from the East or more precisely in use East of Rome. Because of the majority of people the Romans conquered were East of Rome everyone from the Egyptians to Persians were called Orientals and when the Spice trade developed China was included too.

When the Americas were discovered the native people were called Indians because the dumb asses that discovered them thought they were in India, but true Indians were called orientals to and when other dumb asses made it all the way to Japan they called them orientals as well because Duh .... they were so stupid they thought they were in China.

Naturally when the British started the Opium wars to enslave the Chinese a few hundred years ago they called them orientals to and since the particular British that went there were not only racist but mean, corrupt, and evil as hell the Chinese resented it and saw it as a racist term.

And about the same time when the Chinese came to the US to escape the British caused problems in China they were called Orientals or Chinaman and treated so badly that one well known writer said I'd rather be a Ni##### on a Southern plantation then one of those God forsaken Orientals in California.

Aniti "oriental " racism was so prevalent in California that in a racially motivated riot on October 24, 1871, a mob of over 500 white men entered Los Angeles Chinatown to attack, rob and murder those residing there. A total of 18 Chinese immigrants were systematically killed by the mob, making the so-called "Chinatown War" the largest incident of mass lynching in American history.

So first off Chinese and Asians in general have always hated being called Orientals, Oriental is a non specific term that's almost always been used by racist oppressors to label those they have conquered or exploit, and third generally when people find out that someone does not wish to be called something and then still call them that name it is at best irritating, always rude and at the worst the self entitled prejudicial behavior of a total Wanker.

So it's cool if I call you Wanker, right because I mean hey it's not really all that negative compared to some things.
Big T is the one that made this quote: "I don't think it's an insult at all. People have turned it into an insult just to be difficult and have more distinct identity. Fine, so be it. That is YOUR hang up."

tamddo714 was quoting Big T he is the one that wrote that asinine quote , if anyone is a wanker it is Big T.

Last edited by buddha; 03-27-2014 at 09:43 PM.
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