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Old 03-26-2014, 04:09 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Big T View Post
Nobody ever said you ran down the military. Why are you concerned about that? Are you taking something someone said out of context or making it something it wasn't?

If you are THIS concerned about this particular subject... especially in THIS crowd, then the get a life comment applies. What did you plan to accomplish? Is it worth it? Everyone here will probably believe the same thing after this thread is long gone.
Your post in the other thread said the following.

"I'd challenge ANYONE to call my Uncle a racist... He's a highly edjucated Retired Lt. Commander of Seal Teams with all the Vietnam and later honors that goes with that title along with thousands of hours of humanitarian work in Africa and Kuwait. He currently trains corporations on how to "get along" with each other and within the companies themselves..."

Since when did I call your uncle a racist?

You don't get it and never will and I don't appreciate you saying that I need to get a life. It is insulting.

As I said, I have relatives in the military and I would never insult them.
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