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Old 02-24-2014, 01:15 PM   #9
BasserDrew's Avatar
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 11
Hey Roger we were using a DJI Phantom w/ a gimbal and video goggles to fly the quad with a GoPro Hero 3. We lucked out that the wind settled down or we could have never risked taking it up. Jameson Redding flies it and every time it goes up and then safely lands we breath a sigh of relief! Stressful for him for sure!

If you look in the aerial photo from Clear Lake you'll see he's in the red/black kayak facing away from the quadcopter and flying it with his video goggles on to see what the camera sees. The wind blew him under a dock and he had no idea where he was when it was time to land...haha. Fortunately Dan Arbuckle caught it once Jameson got his bearings and peeled off the goggles.
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