Thread: Getting started
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Old 01-14-2014, 08:48 AM   #8
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Lancaster, CA
Posts: 345
Originally Posted by kauaiboy04 View Post
hey steveoo, what type of tie downs do you use? The ratchet style, or the other ones? i've been using the stock ones that came with the racks, but i always feel uneasy that it may become loose (because theres no true locking mechanism like the ratchet style).
Not to jump in and answer for someone else, but I use the ratchet style. They lock and you're able to adjust the tension in small increments but you have to absolutely be careful not to over tighten them. Tension on them might not be too bad if it's cooler but if it's too warm out you run the risk of warping the yak. Maybe not an issue where you live but where I'm at temps are routinely between 105 and 110 in the summer months so I loosely ratchet it down until I get closer and slowly tighten a little more for security. The other concern and probably the bigger one is to be careful where you put the straps. It's nice to be able to run them through scupper holes but too much tension in this area is a big risk for a crack as there is less flex in the plastic.

Other than that hauling my yak is the only thing that kept me from getting a car for the most part. I have an F-150 that I primarily use because it's the easiest way to fit all the gear, or I'd use the wife's Odyssey which was also nice because then all the gear was safely locked inside if I wanted to stop anywhere after a day of fishing without having to worry about something getting swiped out of the truck bed. I too am interested in racks but for a Ford Taurus? How do you guys stow your gear after a day of fishing when things are wet or perhaps smell of bait? Somewhere I saw someone built a rack attachment for their roof rack that stowed their yak and then all their rods next to it, but I can't seem to find a picture of it.
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