Thread: Ho Ho Ho...
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Old 01-08-2014, 11:45 AM   #9
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Seven minutes from the launch!
Posts: 987
Well, we learned a couple things from this post. Beyond the fact that there's still fish in the Pacific Ocean. For one, I completely suck at writing anything that rhymes. And my response time to these things is for lack of a better word, sluggish. With the holidays and all I'm sure most of you understand. Computer time has been far and few between here recently. Which is a good thing if you asked me. So no complaints.

New Year's resolution? From this day forward I'm really going to make an effort to reply to posts the day of. If not the following. Take this post for example. I first saw Leo's response (Iterrero) and was about to instantly reply to him since I was still online. Have some Eggnog and in chymes Mr. Dragamore amongst a slew of others. Jeff, Damon, Andre, Neil, Nic, Matt, James, Leo, Gabe, Darin, Stan, John, Randy and all you fish slaying fools. Right back at 'ya, Guys! Not to mention, of course, all my previous clients who've been so good to me over the years. Happy new year to each and every one of you.

While I realize it's a poor excuse, often times, the reason I don't instantly chime right back in on these reports? Is because I kind of feel like a d--k for not responding to everyone. Even more so when I reply to no one. And a day quickly turns into a week---especially if you're pulling on fish daily.

Trust me, after I stare at the sonar for ten hours, head to the ice-house, wash everything down and have my Eggnog? You don't want me responding to anything on the internet! Humor is often lost in translation from behind the confines of a keyboard. Personally, I have a very dry sense of humor. Not everyone gets it; nor do I expect them to. People can't see that you're smiling when you write whatever that may be. And dare I say a portion of the community is, um, thin-skinned?

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Who knew Santa fished LJ.

Clearly that sheep is photoshopped. That thing is prehistoric!!!!


Oh no, the revival of photoshop talk. Not the case here. That goat was just shy of thirty pounds. No bathroom scale or silly spring scale thingamajiggy. Damn thing looked like a Black Sea Bass at depth! I had it certified because I knew he was going to be really close to the I.G.F.A. record and was. Missed it by that (hold fingers barely spread apart) much...

So, needless to say, Ceviche for a month!

Originally Posted by StinkyMatt View Post
Very nice to put the little kid on a fish.

He will not soon forget the experience.

You should know, brother. I was so pumped for you when you put your son on that 'yeller this Summer. Watching a kid get worked on big fish just can't be beat! It's very challenging and oh so rewarding at the same time. This was my third youngster (under ten years of age) to be put on a large Yellowtail.

There was a couple things of note that were really special about this trip. For one, his father was dead set on getting his son on a trophy fish. I did my best to explain all the challenges. And pleaded that, who are we kidding, grown men are practically brought to tears on these fish? But, regardless of everything I said, he was willing to risk losing the fish and wanted his son to have the experience. What an experience it was, though. Ryan, was a real trooper, and was pinned to the rail for at least ten minutes! I kept trying to get the rod in a comfortable position for him (having, Ryan, sit on the blank), but this fish was as strong as it gets. Just smoking line off the reel - doing every trick in the book!

Everyone knows I take client's photos seriously. And this one image is somewhere in the top five if you asked me.

If this thing isn't on the family's wall I'd be really dissapointed. Just a classic moment captured in time that I was proud to be a part of.

But, easily, the coolest thing of all about this experience? Beyond the fish. Beyond the Kodak moment. Beyond the father-son bonding time? The next day young, Ryan, is at the launch eager to see the day's catch. He shows me his arm and there's a ruby-red mark from where the Seeker blank was pinning his arm down. It looked like a tattoo for Pete's sake! He looked at me with a glowing look on his face. All wide-eyed and dead serious. That he wished he could keep it (the battle scar) and didn't want it to go away! Talk about a tear in my eye. Seriously. A Chicken-skin moment, indeed. Talk about putting this whole fishing thing in perspective.
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