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Old 12-15-2013, 09:31 PM   #90
Cbad Mike
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First off I am not an attorney. Second, I am done trying to interpret gun laws in California because they are exactly that.... Open to interpretation. I promise anyone who conceals a weapon in San Diego County (including on the water) without a concealed weapons permit that they are opening themselves up for a very expensive headache and or imprisonment. Now once again... I am pro gun and believe that we all have a right to protect ourselves and I really don't care if you illegally carry or not. What I am saying is that if you decide to carry while on your kayak whether legal or not (this law is definitely open to interpretation) you better be prepared.
I regularly open carried up until a couple of years ago when it became illegal. During that time I was routinely stopped by LEOs. Sometimes, when the LEO knew the law he would do a quick load check and I'd be on my way within 2 minutes. There were other times when the LEO did not know the law and I was stopped and held at gunpoint. At this time the open carry law was 40 years old and either the LEO didn't know it (Police do not have to know the law 100% but the public does) or the LEO interpreted the law differently. The open carry law clearly stated that it was legal to open carry an unloaded firearm yet I was arrested once for illegally carrying a firearm because I did not have a magazine in my weapon which was deemed an incomplete firearm and therefore wasn't protected under the open carry law. Pretty stupid I think and I challenge anyone to find where that is written but I got handcuffed, locked up for 9 hours, and it cost me $4000 to fight the charge before it was dropped.
Anyway.... If your going to carry on a kayak based on laws that are poorly written be prepared for the worst and remember that ignorance is not a valid defense. Me personally, I do not think the potential legal issues are worth it based on the miniscule chance that I will be attacked by a shark. (I hope I didn't just jinx myself. LOL)
NOW.... if for some reason I felt the need to arm myself while on my kayak I would take a rifle or shotgun with me because they are considered UN concealable and the law that specifies that is based on physical length and there fore not open to interpretation.

PS. buy a bang stick!

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