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Old 12-12-2013, 11:18 AM   #62
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Originally Posted by ronbo613 View Post
.... if I am in a situation where I need to shoot something, I would prefer to shoot it at the maximum possible distance from me as possible, so I prefer something with a longer barrel, which most likely would be not concealable....
Originally Posted by bus kid View Post
X2 big boom good.
Alright it's not like I'm advocating carrying guns for Great White protection because the idea is silly, but if you were kayaking and a Great White was chewing on your yak having a handgun would be better thing to have then a rifle.

A rifle is big, where are you going to put it where you can get it quick when a shark comes out of nowhere and starts chewing your leg.

I wouldn't want to launch with that.

It's not going to fit in the rod holder or even your center hatch. A handgun can be in your pocket, in a holster or in the hatch in front of you.

You shoot a White ten feet away that's swimming towards you you're breaking the law.

The only reason to shoot one is if it's chewing on your yak or leg.

In other words it's going to be very close.

Maybe right next to you, maybe chewing on the yak, maybe chewing on the yak behind your seat. Ever try to shoot something behind you with a rifle?

All this shooting under water stuff is nonsense. If I white is attacking in you end up in the water the best thing you can do is get back in the kayak. Not to mention it's one thing to shoot your favorite AK sitting on the bottom of the pool it's another to be treading water with it waiting for a white to get close enough for it to be effective.

That said if you did end up in the water with a gun in your hand you better hope it's a handgun..

Balance: Paddling a kayak is a learned behavior where you master a assortment of dexterity issues like basic balance. Firing a shotgun or rifle takes a certain amount of balance not to mention the proper stance.

Some Yakkers can loose their sense of balance around threatening wildlife.

Loose your balance with a shotgun or rifle and things can go horribly wrong.

From a boat a rifle makes more sense

but from a Kayak?....

I'm just saying there are places rifles and shotguns don't necessarily belong.
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