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Old 12-01-2013, 08:37 PM   #26
Posts: n/a
How about the people behind the scenes? CJ for his work with HOW, Andy for all he has poured into the kayak community, and Adi for dealing with the forums. How about Brent? Do half of you even know who Brent is? Yet he has a big hand in what is going on with this sport.

These guys have taken their love for this hobby and made it a full time job to keep the community breathing.

There are too many people to consider, and all have their own things to contribute. To give the award to any one person, would be to discredit those who didn't win. No one remembers the nominees, only the winner.

I'm not trying to troll, and I do think this is a great idea, but to single handedly recognize one person is too difficult. How about we acknowledge everyone worthy of consideration for their individual contributions?
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