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Old 09-04-2007, 05:40 PM   #1
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Location: Encinitas
Posts: 562
Labor Day-Three's a Crowd

Decided at the last minute to head south a bit to
tap one of my WSB areas...

Launched shortly after 8am Monday to a heavy, low level fog.
Visibility was less than 1/4 mile. I received my Hbird 363 on Saturday,
but didn't have time to install it, so I just threw it in the car before I left. I jerry-rigged
it up with some duct tape and I was able to get the GPS working. The fish finder couldn't
get a good read, so no go on that. I really just wanted the GPS due to the fog.

I paddled to an area that I caught a previous WSB at and trolled a Kroc around, while
casting another. I found some bait on the surface, so I was casting around, using
different styles and speeds. After a few casts, BANG! I'm hit and I'm on.
I got a bit of a sleigh ride on some very glassy water, but the best part was when
I got towed past a PB full of old Gringos. Once to color, I gaffed a small but fiesty
23lb WSB. The PB'ers didn't have much luck and left a short while later.

Within a half hour, my deadstick Kroc starts chirping, so I grab it and I get a runner.
This guy takes off and is pulling out line like mad. I was hoping for another WSB
to have my first ever double WSB day, so I left the drag light and played it out.
After about 10 minutes of back and forth, I bring a sweet 40lb. WSB to the yak
and get a nice gaff shot around the gills. My 1st double WSB day...

A Crowded Yak

It's only 11am, so I have lots of time, but decide to head in since I've got about 60lbs of
fish on board. I was trolling a Kroc when ZZZZZZZZZ. It goes off and I grab the rod and start reeling.

The fish ran around my other trolled line, but it wasn't tangled. I pass the rod under
the other and the line goes slack. I start taking up the slack and the fish makes another
run and POP!. I'm off. I reeled in to find that my leader had popped. Another testimonial to
keep the slack out of the line.

The real bummer (besides loosing my 1st ever chance at a 3rd WSB in a single outing),
was that I lost my hot Kroc. That would have been my 4th WSB on that Kroc...

Top WSB = 23lbs. The bottom WSB is 40#

Labor day was a great day of great labor for me...
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