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Old 11-15-2013, 11:50 AM   #5
Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 16
I am new to the area, so I cannot comment on previous tournaments in the area. But I would say something along the lines of what TKAA has in the Chesepeake Bay area. Multiple Divisions with several prizes to include some high dollar kayaks, rods, reels, other... Plus a large donation to HOW.

I would recommend both weight-in categories and catch-and-release (lenght based) categories to satisfy both types of fishermen.

I usually can only sneak away to fish one day a weekend, so I am partial to one day events, two or three day events are tough to fit in to a busy schedule with working 50-60 hours a week. But one day events can be tough if the bite is shut off that day for some reason or weather does not cooperate, so there are benefits to both single day and multiday events.

I have fished some monthly tournys with winners that get points for a yearly total. These can be fun because it lets those who can only fish a couple days a month still compete. The prizes for the monthly evolutions were usually smaller like lures or line for the top three places and points for the top 20 for the yearly total. The target fish for each month would vary based on what was around. Sometimes it would be a single fish or other months would be a Slam or combination of species. The top point accumulators for the year would receive higher end prizes like reels, rods, upto kayaks, paddles, and such.

But then again, there does not always need to be a prize... Sometimes a certificate and shit talking rights are a sufficent reward.
Hobie PA 14 - Olive
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