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Old 10-30-2013, 02:11 PM   #12
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Other than launching from inside harbors/breakwalls, all I can say is pick your days carefully when it comes to surf launching in the Ventura County area.

There are not a lot of beaches that are protected from swells/waves. So if you can pick a day with extremely low surf (anywhere from 0-2 feet), that would be your best bet to attempt a surf launch.

If you head up to Santa Barbara, you can launch around Santa Barbara Pier or Goleta beach pretty easily. If you are fishing, just make sure to steer clear of Campus Point (at Goleta beach) and other areas that are closed to fishing.

And always ALWAYS stow your gear inside your yak for launching and landing (especially landing) when there are any signs of waves. If you dont have hatches, make sure you tie everything down securely, and strap your rods down flush to your yak.

Even if there are waves, if you are patient, you ought to be able to time your launch and landing just right so that you can prevent getting tossed. But just know, around this area when it comes to a surf launch/landing, it's only a matter of time before you get rolled. So be careful, and dress accordingly. For example, I'd never wear waders, unless it was flat as a lake out there. Its either boardshorts or a wetsuit for me.

And be careful if you end up launching at County Line/Neptunes Net. There's a reason that there's always surfers there. I've had good luck landing closer towards the condos at the south end of the beach.... with some good timing.

You can also try Leo Carillo. Theres stairs down from PCH for somewhat easy access. But there can be a pretty hefty surf break there as well.

I'm sure there's plenty more places around Ventura and Carp that might have easier launches, but I havent spent much time in that area. Usually its either Malibu or SB for me.
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