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Old 10-28-2013, 03:38 PM   #79
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Join Date: Mar 2005
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X3 What wiredantz and PAL said.

Sometimes it feels like we're the only ones posting a timely report (within 1-3 days) anymore even when we don't score.
The degree to which we post has gone down due to personal factors that have seen us go only 4 times in the last year and a half and that was within these last 3 months. 3 out of 4 trips were reported we believe.

We agree with wiredantz and PAL on the main issues they pointed out, especially the code groups. Think about it, there are some top notch guides who do get people on fish. If reports were posted right away by the guides or customers, when they scored all of those yellows and whites it could only hurt their business for the next few days, as every PBer and kayaker would hit the water and take over the area. The customers still post, but from what we've seen typically it's well after a bite, weeks and months at times. Sure, they'll give kudos to their guide, but it sure doesn't help another kayaker out.

We go when we can go, and we almost always post a detailed report ASAP, without leaving anything out. Sure, it would be great to know that a bite's going on, just don't count on finding one a SoCal kayak fishing website.

We could give a flying Wallenda why others have their reasons for not posting timely reports. But if you see one from us, you might give the lengthy report a glance that it might help you soon after
"Never say die"

Last edited by Aaron&Julie; 10-28-2013 at 03:38 PM. Reason: Add-on
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