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Old 10-24-2013, 12:00 PM   #42
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More good stuff...

It is good that this is being discussed, in a healthy and respectful way, so we all can better understand each other's perspective. You will NOT feel the same about public fishing forum if you're out there OTW (on-the-water, for those of you who wonder ) a couple of times a week, once a month, or once in a blue moon... Fishing guide, hard core or recreational angler, or a guy who is fishing for living WILL NOT have the same feeling on this subject...

But you have to realize that public forum is still a great place to learn, great place to share your experience, and learn from other people's feedback... It's a place where you can make friends for life! I know I've made many, and I will be the first one to tell you that I learned a ton from it! And not only about fishing!

For the most part, you can kind of get to know the person behind the keyboard based on their posts. We all are who we are, offline or online. The important part about BWE is it IS a SoCal kayak fishing community gathering place, one of. Knowing how hard it is to rally people around any common cause, we have to nurture it. It comes in handy to all of us - it has in the past, I am sure it will in the future.

Not to mention the entertaining factor...

And yes, like lots of other subjects, this one has popped up at least 4-5 times that I recall over the years.

You've come a long way.
Just in case you've overlooked it, here is a link to the same discussion back 5.5 years ago, lil' before you got BWE account. I am stoked to see BWE still going strong!

Many of the core BWE gang that you hardly ever hear from these days chipped in on it on this thread, so it's worth reading for the new folks. Besides, it's got Todd's legendary "Evolution Of Kayak Fishermen" theses, that is so very true for so many of us.... 0

And BTW, Team Sewer, FYI - Todd (C-Level) was that boater that one crazy halibut bite day who was watching you guys pull one flat kind after another right by his boat on anchor... where he smiled, congratulated, and celebrated with you (yes, they had like 8 on ice as well)... Not yelled "YOU ARE TOO CLOSE!!!" like 90% of SoCal boaters would... Once a kayak fisherman, always a kayak fisherman.

Another plug for Todd - awesome read for anyone wanting to know more about halibut fishing from Jim's site
<)))< ....b-a-a-a-a
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