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Old 10-22-2013, 08:33 AM   #5
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 35
I just recently went through the decision curado 300, lexa 300, or toro NaCl. The curado is tried and tested, you know what you are getting there. The lexa seems to have two followings, those who love it and those who have had immediate problems and say its trash. I'm of the latter opinion. My lexa 100 failed from day 2. My buddies lexa 300 failed from week one. Calling diawa and searching forums far and wide confirmed major problems in the lexa line. I hope the 400 is tweaked to improve factory built errors. Now to the toro NaCl, which is the reel i bought. I can cast swim baits a mile. The level wind technology should be in every new reel from now on! It's is more anti-corrosive than lexa or curado. It has a clicker for dropping live bait! I haven't found a community of problems like I have with the curado and lexa. So far I love my choice.
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