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Old 11-21-2005, 06:05 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: La Jolla
Posts: 61
LJ Weekend Report

Family fished both days, caught one small bass. On Saturday we didn't catch any bait near the kelp so we used lures trying to work the bass. My 9yr old caught the small one but nothing else was biting after a couple of hours, finally he decides he wants to go home so we reel in and go. We saw dolphins, psyco-pup and his grandpa, and all the views of the coast. My wife came back saying "oh my gosh it is just incredible out there, can we go again tomorrow?".

I upgraded to a prowler 15 and now have the Malibu Two for family and friends. It served me well both solo and tandem.

On Sunday I found a good used Hobie Sport peddle kayak for the kid and bought it. We took it out for a trial run and he just kicked ass. He peddled almost to the NW corner and then all the way back against an offshore breeze. He was doing circles around us, literally. I had a tow rope to pull him back in if he had problems but it could have been the other way around. Caught about eight mackerel very quickly and then fly lined one and put a couple on the bottom. We ran out of time as the sun started to set, another exceptional day on the water, even without fishing success.

Incredibly stable and completely dry inside for a 70lb kid.

I had to really paddle to keep up with him, I saw this a lot.

Some folks in a white cobra tandem. They landed in the dark about the same time as us.
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