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Old 10-08-2013, 12:58 AM   #18
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Location: Riverside CA
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Originally Posted by easyday View Post
Well it was tough hooping. Not alot of boats but quite a few kayaks. The seals were out in force but ill let danjor tell that story. We still all managed to grab a few, but what beats getting out on the water with a bunch of good dudes.
First off waders work well but need returned since the sock part had a extra 6 inches on it and I wear a size 13 shoe, they must be made for clown shoes or something...

Got there early paddled out to the headlands hoping for a spot where there wasn't commercial pots, grid pattern every 20 feet.... so I went back to the boilers where there were no pots and dropped my nets filled with my best bait I have, paddled the legnth of the break wall again to meet up with EasyDay, he still was not here so paddled back just in time to catch a massive sea lion having his way with my nets. Stole/broke into every bait cage none are salevageable, badly knotted up one rope, broke 4 of the 5 eclipse nets supports that keeps them from laying flat and if that wasn't bad enough he put 5 fist sized rocks in one net, I'm not kidding on that. Pulled all my nets to start to head in and got some bait and some from another BWE member sorry I forgot your name I'm horrible with names, got 2 and a half nets in semi working order, managaged 1 legal in 4 set pulls of 3 nets which saved the night! Tuff fishing indeed but I believe I could of done better without the handicap of thrashed nets, now I'm on a mission to build seal proof bait tubes. If anyone wants a free set of promar bait cages pm me, I have a set from my ambush nets that I will give away since this will be my first and last seal attack. Now to enjoy this bowl of chili and go to sleep.
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