Thread: LJ 10/4/13
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Old 10-06-2013, 11:22 AM   #1
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LJ 10/4/13

Another beautiful day on the kayaks fishing off of La Jolla. The ocean was flat, wind was mild, and the temperature was excellent. Surf was up a little, and we got wet, like we typically do, while punching through the waves/whitewater. We launched right before sunrise.

Unfortunately fishing was made difficult to almost impossible due to the floating kelp masses created by the commercial lobsterfishermen, in addition to dodging their buoys and ropes. Whenever they pull up their lobster cages they pull up loads of kelp that was previously attached to the ocean bottom. They take it off of their cages and throw it overboard, which ends up floating all around La Jolla. You can't find clear water for trolling baits. So, eventually, we fished the bottom for a very large sand-dab(Aaron) and one rockfish(Julie), not quite enough for a meal, more like hors d'oeuvres.

The best part of day was the dolphin show. Literally hundreds came through and around us all at once, 2 times during the day. Beautiful day, and the dolphin gave us a show. Time for cleanup now. Here's the best dolphin picture we took (we think mother and calf). It's hard to time some of the better jumps we saw.

"Never say die"
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