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Old 10-05-2013, 05:10 PM   #1
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: San Clemente
Posts: 118
DP thresher take...3

Few month back I piggy backed on another member's post, I believe Wade is his name, and shared a recent experience with a T which was C & R'd. From that post i received some solid advice in the event i ever encountered Mr T again...
...So fast forward to a late September morn; hit the water about 8, stopped at the barge for a scoop and out the gates.... Had a ways to paddle to the spot so I figured I'd troll a dine to see if there were any takers? Ten minutes in I recalled I had some wire leaders onboard so I though i'd rig one up just incase. Got the fattest dine I could and over it went. Minutes later on a slowish troll out the back, the soft sound of the clicker started to trickle out line. Then WHAM, zzzzzzzzzzzz!! I grab the stick, give it a few more moments then pop the lever and give it yank. Game on! As I look up I see her breach and get airborne, tail whipping and all.
I immediately revert back to all the advice received from the earlier post, "DP Thresher take 2...sorta" and proceed to run through the check list of what to do and not to do. A quick thank you to Wade and anyone else for the advice which led to this video, first attempt on the GoPro, excuse the late night whisky editing:
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