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Old 09-23-2013, 01:39 AM   #1
Cbad Mike
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So I was taking a whizz......

Last Thursday was a pretty quiet day in La Jolla. I trolled, threw and dropped iron, soaked a Mack, ate, drank,and even took a nice nap. It was one of those days that the fish were just not biting. After 6 hours otw and one bottle of water plus 2 orange sodas it was time for some relief. My routine is to first unzip and remove my PFD and place it behind me. Then I kneel on my bait tank with my feet on the seat. From there I can easily undo my suspenders and lower my waders as needed.
So there I was in all my glory when my reel starts to scream. It was a confusing 10 seconds but I finally got back into my seat and into the fight.
In the end I reeled in a 6+foot Soupfin shark.
On a serious note...Looking back I realize that I should have taken the extra seconds to get my suspenders back up and my PFD back on because no matter what the fish is safety should always come first. I wont make that mistake again.
Be safe!
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