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Old 08-14-2007, 05:24 PM   #1
travelin_lite's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: near the beach ; )
Posts: 16
8/13 - First Yellow Tail from Kayak - 47" 30 lbs

I launched at around 5 pm with my friend Brian and worked up and down several reefs in various depths of water. I was mainly using 5" Fishtraps on one rod and a squid/anchovie mix on my other rod. It was quite slow and at around 7:20 after one mini calico I decided to start pedaling (Hobie Outback) north and headed out to a depth of 30'. The water was very green yesterday as it was on Sunday as well. I was dropping down my squid rig to the bottom to set up for a drift when all of a sudden I feel myself being pulled backwards quite fast. My friend who was about ten feet away starts yelling that my other rod with the swim bait is bent over as I didn't see it because it was in the rod holder behind me. There was so much pressure on the rod that I couldn't get it out of the holder and couldn't manage to get my boat swung around to release the pressure. The way the line was ripping off the spool I realized I better act quick and get to work because this was a big fish. I finally got the rod in hand and started to get my boat headed in the right direction. I was being towed at a steady fast pace and was trying to slow him down by chasing him a bit as I didn't want to get spooled. As I gained line I just let him tow me north as that was the direction I was headed anyway and was enjoying the ride. My friend was peddling behind me trying to keep up! After about 20 minutes I got him turned around and started to work him up to the surface. We still couldn't see what was on and then I saw a yellow dorsal fin come up above the water and new it was a yellow but still didn't know how big it was. We had no gaff and the fish was coming up next to my friends boat, he tried to grab the tail but it dove down again and took quite a bit of line again, I worked him back up and my friend got next to him and grabbed him by the gill plate. At that point the fish was quite tired and we worked a piece of rope into his gill and out his mouth and tied him off. After hoisting him out of the water we realized this was a big fish. I couldn't believe I caught this with a fish trap so close in. I was guessing 25 lb and he turned out to be 30+.

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