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Old 08-09-2007, 10:47 AM   #6
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Glad the guy made it.

Another could-have-been-deadly reminder on importance of safety.

Make sure you have a life vest. Wear it all the time if all possible.

Have a VHF, preferably in a bag with attached small floater. Your cell in a dry bag won't do you much good in situation like this.

Have a manual pump or at least improvised device to scoop water out manually... Kayaks are tiny plastic boats - you can easily punch a whole in it without realizing by dragging it over a sharp rock. Not even to mention all the constant stress on internal plastic joints while the boat vibrating strapped on the top of your car/track doing 70+mph on the freeway... Plus the swell banging on it...

Have a GPS, preferably waterproof hand held, easily detachable. Have spare batteries for it. In blown out to sea situation, you ought to be able to tell the CG where you are at.

I know some folks carry light flares as well; great idea. I haven't been doing it, but now I'll throw a few in my dry bag. Better safe than sorry.

Always carry extra water with you!!! Now that I have a kill bag (btw, great way to keep your catch fresh), I take an extra 3-4 frozen water bottles to keep the inside of the kill bag cold. That water doubles as the emergency water supply.

I'm sure that's not all, but in my case - minimum safety standards I paddle by...

We're in the open ocean.

<)))< ....b-a-a-a-a
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