Thread: PA 12 vs PA 14
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Old 07-28-2013, 06:34 AM   #4
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Utah
Posts: 138
I'm in Utah and have a PA14. It does require nearly constant attention on the tiller handle to track straight. That's a result of its no-keel hull, I believe. It isn't a deal-breaker due to the many other virtues the boat has.

I'm 66 and I get it atop my Durango with very few problems. I installed a set of Hully rollers on the rear cargo bar and lift the bow onto them first.

Then simply lift the stern and push. Piece of cake. You never lift more than half the boat's weight this way. Fasten tiedown straps and bow/stern lines. Done. Straps and lines not yet attached but boat loaded:

Edit to add: Note the angle of the boat in the first photo. A shorter boat (a PA12) would be even steeper and thus more difficult to get to this point. Getting "me" out of that space is difficult enough with the long boat. It's a point to consider.

Last edited by RockyRaab; 07-28-2013 at 06:39 AM.
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