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Old 07-25-2013, 02:27 PM   #42
Poxy Boggards
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I don't get as much time on the water as I would like. I wish I had days upon end, money for fuel, and time away from work to go find my own rewarding YT or WSB.

I live over 100 miles from La Jolla, and that means just getting down to the launch in my truck is going to cost me a good chunk of change. A few years ago, that would be no problem but mine as well as many others belts have had to be tightened out of necessity.

What that means for me, is no trips exploring and looking for a bite. If I am going to head down there, I want to know that the fish are chewing and that if I do things right I have a good chance at doing battle with one of my target species.

I envy those of you who are close to a productive launch, and have the time to go out and find the fish. Unfortunately I just don't have that luxury.

I would love to go hit one of the productive areas closer to me, but finding anyone to even throw you a bone and point you in the right direction of a good launch seems nearly impossible with the current lips wide shut attitude of the board these days.
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