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Old 07-21-2013, 02:35 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by bigwaterho View Post
i love it when the guys who constantly post big fish reports are also the ones that complain about crowds. You post hundreds of pic of yourself and your yaks all over the net then act suprised when people drop the hook on you?
I never complained about "crowds." Crowds will happen, the same when a good swell moves in and the lineup is packed to the point you can walk from surfboard to surfboard. I shared my experience involving poor etiquette and the unnecessary agression. Jim likes to call it the sheep mentality. We got there pretty much before anyone else. Then everyone starts showing up and sees us "They must know what they're doing, lets get close to them" then a few more boats show up, and see the huddled up group..."OH, those guys all know something we don't let's try and get a spot somewhere in that hot zone" and the same goes on all night...I fished the same spot I had marked on my GPS for 2 months when the fish started showing up and we were the only people out there.
Slowly but surely more and more boats moved in.

Even boaters near us were yelling at the guy who tossed his anchor 6 feet from my kayak.

"Hey man, give the guy some room, he's been there all day"

This post wasn't even intended to hate on or point out any specific boater. I could post photos of him and his CF# which I took with my phone. The internet isn't the place to call anyone out. This post was more of a reminder to kayaks to exercise caution when venturing into unfamiliar or less than optimal conditions

As you can see, my post was two weeks past the day of catch and doesn't include the location. That was by design. Maybe 10% of the fish I catch make it to the internet, and only when there is a story involved, and when they do make it to the internet the bite is over. I get shit for it a lot "Not posting accurate reports" but I'm sorry, I have first hand seen more than a few times the impact a timely report can have on a bite. The bite we worked for these fish is long gone.

Last edited by Drake; 07-21-2013 at 02:48 PM.
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