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Old 07-16-2013, 06:17 AM   #9
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Location: Table 17, Bay Park Fish Co.
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The PA is a beast, but once you are out on the water it's heaven.
I love the built in lay-down rod storage - You'll never break a rod wiping out on the beach. Built in tackle storage, huge front compartment storage and plenty of rail space to mount all manner of stuff. Even a big guy like me can comfortably stand in it and cast (in calm water).
Yes, beach launching and landing can be an issue. It is alot easier to do in a paddle kayak where you do not have to worry about the Mirage drive. But having that mirage drive for fishing is simply awesome.

Whatever you decide to get, bring it to the beach stripped down and play in the surf for an afternoon. You'll get to know how it acts launching and landing and you will get a feel for how far you can lean and still maintain control of the boat. I've gotten pretty good at leaning well into the wave on landing my PA14 and keeping everything upright. Also - Get a leash for the Mirage Drive!!! I cannot stress that point enough - those things are expensive to replace!! Mine is leashed, and has a Ptouch label with my contact info on it just in case.
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