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Old 07-08-2013, 07:19 PM   #12
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I'm a little late on this I know but I commend you for not being afraid to speak your mind to whomever and however you think you need to. Too many people try too hard to tip-toe around issues being politically correct and worrying about all of the potential what-if's. Those tend to be the people that end up never saying anything to anyone out of fear of what could and may come of it. People like you that aren't afraid to speak force change...and that's a good thing. You have nothing to be ashamed of...Don't apologize...Who gives two sh!ts what anyone else said what you thought you needed to say how you thought you needed to say it…period. If anyone cares enough to know the other side let them commence their own investigation.
Hell, all these ‘review sites’ such as yelp exist because the general public tends to appreciate the public service that reviewers provide. How can it be considered any different when someone gives an opinion in a public web forum?
You'll get your normal guys here disagreeing with you but probably not because they genuinely disagree...more because they see an opportunity to come up with yet another witty post. It's never really clever to just simply agree.

Good luck to you Jimmy and thanks for not being scared to give your honest opinion in "public"...MUCH APPRECIATED!
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