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Old 06-20-2013, 10:41 AM   #15
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And the "troll" lives on.
So predictable you guys are....someone will always cry troll at the end of a dead end thread for three possible reasons.
1. - An attempt to bring closure
2. - An easy opportunity to increase post count
3. - To revive said thread to keep it alive and well
Not sure what your motive was?

Remember, this started out simple and was made complex and trivial for the sake of argument by the real trolls. I knew full well that some would feel personally attacked...probably because they know they post boot-leg "reports".
The standard for what a real fishing report should include was set long before I started this thread, we have all read them for years. Pretend to act like you don't understand that all you want...that's what makes internet forums so fun and entertaining. Think about it, this would be no fun if you listened to reason? I mean, to me, the obvious reply to my original post should read something like this:
'Yeah, you're probably right. If you're gonna post a fish report in a fishing reports forum it should atleast follow the standard guidelines of what makes a report a report. Otherwise just post your cool guy photo in another forum.'
End of closed....but that's way to boring and we have to make the site sponsors happy....Thanks for playing guys!

For you simpletons. (taken from
re·port [ri-pawrt, -pohrt] Show IPA
1. - an account or statement describing in detail an event, situation, or the like, usually as the result of observation, inquiry, etc.: a report on the peace conference; a medical report on the patient.

Kinda hard to argue that one huh?

(p.s. - this is quickly turning into the exact kind of drama I tell my teenage daughter to avoid on the internet...kinda ironic..haha)
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