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Old 06-18-2013, 09:13 PM   #10
momo fish
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thought I was only one... I can add a lot more but will share a few so you are made aware..

launched once and made it past first wave, and all of a sudden 2nd huge came way quicker than last sets.. Kayak and gear back on beach..

on a landing with high winds and surf, had a good timing till once again could not beat a faster wave and threw me out and under kayak.. Lucky life guard came to rescue...

and the stupidest landing ever award.. Times it well, got into about 2-3 feet deep and like 5 feet from sand and feeling proud of myself sat there instead of jumping out.. Wave hits me sideways and I'm under the kayak in sand.. Back hurting like hell and pride even more beat up... I will NEVER do that again...

so yes, its pretty rough.. La jolla seems soo much easier and I would recommend leo as the paddle is about 45 min and faster heading in due to winds..

Originally Posted by toadstoadsonly View Post

My first trip out I flipped in the dark on the launch used every ounce of energy to flip my yak over and power through the swells on the way in my buddy got slammed in the back with his kayak on landing laid him out for 2 weeks.

2nd trip I met one of the locals to the area before launching, when landing flipped on a shore break the wave slammed him to the sand and broke his collar bone. Luckily my buddy Dave and I saw him getting sideways and was half way to him right when he got slammed and dragged his limp body and kayak to safety, then carried all of his stuff to the car. He went to ER later that evening.

3rd trip I brought out a green yaker his rudder pin broke launching he flipped and lost all his gear.

4th trip one of my other friends got hit by a swell in open water kayak was upside down, then flipped again on landing. Lost some gear but fortunately not his life.

For anyone that dares to brave the surf make sure you have someone with you, this area takes a lot of victims. It is heart wrenching launching and landing after seeing so many mishaps.

1 thing that all my trips had in common I got a great workout since I had to carry extra gear to other peoples car.
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