Thread: DP 6/13/13
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Old 06-15-2013, 06:33 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by shark researcher
Hi everyone!
Originally Posted by shark researcher
We are two students from Scripps Institution of Oceanography studying leopard shark genetics in California. We are in need of leopard shark tissue samples from north and south of Point Conception. >>
The first location of interest is the Santa Barbara area (also El Capitan and Refugio beaches--really anything between SB and Point Conception). >>
The second location of interest is the Morro Bay area (between Morro Bay and Point Conception). >>
If you are interested in helping us, please take a small tissue sample from any leopard shark you catch (typically a fin clip works perfectly--just cut a tiny piece of the tip of their fin with scissors or a knife--about the size of a pinky finger nail). Please write down the exact location of the catch, approximate size (to nearest foot), and sex (male or female). The fin clip should be put into the freezer within a few hours of collection. We can then arrange pickup or pay for shipping. >>
Please contact with questions or if you happen to get a tissue sample. Thanks so much for your help!!!
If you kept the tag and could get in touch with this person, I am sure he will appreciate it.>>
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